Match turns ugly between Nick Kyrgios and Stefanos Tsitsipas – Wimbledon 2022


The eagerly awaited tennis match between Nick Kyrgios and Stefanos Tsitsipas in the 3rd round of Wimbledon turned into a circus with both players guilty of multiple ugly incidents.


Pika So

As McEnroe said in the past, the worst is not to lose, it’s the handshake.
Tsitsipas knows it well.


You know your career as a professional athlete is fucked up when you’re playing Kyrgios and the crowd is against you.


Tsitsipas is an open book, exposing what little it takes to get under his skin and throw him off his game.


“He is a small kid that doesn´t know how to fight” after this match it just really shows how accurate Medvedev was. Tsitsipas is really just a small kid and he absolutely can´t control himself. Reminds me of when I was 10 years old.


Have to say that this was an entertaining grudge match. We used to see a lot more of them in the 80s and 90s.

Brigg Solis

When Tsitsipas called Kyrgios “evil” is truly the “pot calling the kettle black” moment.


I remember Tsitsipas when he was 13-14 years old. I was the fitness coach from his next round opponent and came to watch the tournament. He was cheating always on close balls and extremely competitive. Whenever it was time my guy was playing him, he also gave some obvious balls out and it was hard to watch.

Souvik Chakraborty

Tsitsipas has real issues, man. He has problems with everyone. Like Medvedev said ” He needs to grow up!”

Adam Dymock

Kyrgios wanted a reaction from him and he got it. That’s why you see him laughing when he was smashing the ball in frustration, it’s exactly the response Kyrgios wanted from him.

Invincieblez Music

Tsitsipas literally passed up a shot into the open court for an easy point to try and hit Kyrgios and he missed

Pablo Pombo

The only player capable of turning kyrgios into the “good guy from the movie” is Tsitsipas. What a spoiled and bad-mannered kid.

Stefan Jevtic

Djokovic hit a line ref by accident-Dq right away, without any word.
Cicipas hitting right and left everyone, umpire not even a warning.
Free and equal society. #worldisinshammbles


Tsitsipas later said he was actually aiming for nick when he hit that ball in the crowd. But if you look now, this is simply impossible as Nick is in a completely different direction. He hit a spectator after it bounced off the wall and shouldve been disqualified.

Štěpán Vlk

I dont like Nick at all, but I am totally with him on this one. What a sore loser Tsitsipas is.


Tsitsipas lost his cool and composure completely. He’s the world number 4 and should be putting Kyrgios away then walking off with a smile on his face. Imagine destroying your own game and giving Kyrgios the big W. 🤦‍♂️

Carl Gombrich

Nothing wrong with smart underarm serves. Can’t see why anyone moans about them. Shows great touch and awareness and, purely as a spectacle, more entertaining than endless power serves.

Brick Squared

Tennis people can be such hypocrites. Tsitsipas is NOT a “gentlemam”. The crap he does and _has_ done on court to Medvedev, Kyrgios and then his own father at the ATP Cup.

Sunshine lollipops

Forgetting the rules for a second, Tsitsipas is a danger to people, the crowd and the opponent. Remembering the rules for a second, he should be defaulted for this reason


Djokovic flicked the to ball boy direction accidentally hit a completely still linewoman gets defaulted, but Cheatcheatpass hits a ball with good pace at the crowd gets nothing? Plus he tried to hit Nick on 3 separate times and connected on one is poor sportsmanship.

alex paic

I’ve seen players defaulted for lot less. The officials literally messed up. Sucks having double standards. The officials should have to answer some questions here

Nelly Nelson

Tsisipas managed to do what no other playing in the history of any sport has done. Turn the crowd completely against him when his opponent is normally despised by 50% of the crowd before the match. And then behaved like an absolute whiny child in the press room after.

D Bo

I love Kygrios 😂 those underarm under leg serves are so demeaning hahaha it was the best way to get back at Tsitsipas. That laugh after the second one 😂🔥

Renegade Shep loves his M-6 Carnifex Hand Cannon

Kyrgios was completely in the right here. That should have been a default, according to the rules. Terrible, biased decision from the umpire.

Fogel McLovin

“The 4th seed is gone, but this great talent, accompanied, as ever, by his great demons, he will take them all through to the 4th round of Wimbledon.”

This quote is for sure going to be used in a Kyrgios documentary one day.



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