Novak Djokovic vs Nick Kyrgios | Gentlemen’s Singles Final Highlights | Wimbledon 2022


The best of the action from the gentlemen’s singles final between Novak Djokovic and Nick Kyrgios.

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duka ivan

What Djokovic has above other players; outstanding stamina, clear mind for a long stretch of play time and outstanding mental strength. Congratulations Novak for 21 GS title, well deserved.


Nick didn’t play bad. It was apparent he took this one seriously. In the end, experience was the big factor. Nole, once again, proves to be a machine. He kept his cool throughout the match, and showed everyone what it is like to have the mental of a champion. Nick should be proud of himself. A finalist of a grandslam, being unseeded, and not even a dark horse. Hope he can create the same path for his future big tournaments.

Jeon Jungkook’s 🍌🥛- 방탄소년단 💜

Djokovic just upped his game when he needed to the most, and that’s what these champions do, they raise their level when it’s necessary in the big points. Overall, he was the better and more consistent player today. What an achievement, and what a fantastic championships! Congratulations Novak!

I am Shadowbanned

Novak played a great tactical match against Nick. By getting a lot of serves into play he forced Nick to be more patient than he likes and move him all over the court to get him to tire out. Congratulations Nole for your 21st GS title.


The former champ from Wimbledon wins his 7th title at Wimbledon and the 4th one in a row! Congrats, Nole! A really wonderful and great match to watch! Djokovic has destroyed his opponent for wining a new well deserved title! 🏆✨️💫👏🏻

Jonathan Low

Only 5 mins for a final? There better be an extended version soon 🤣
Anyways congratulations Novak, absolutely deserved champion 👍

Aritra Roy

Djokovic has now won at least 7 slams in two different surfaces. Wimbledon and Australian Open. Some achievement.

Jayden Paludan

Game met expectations, Djokovic was the better player overall. Hopefully, Nick will build from this tournament

Жанна Маменова

Congratulations to Novac Djokovic from Kazakhstan!!!🙋‍♀️
Well done Novac !!!☝️👽


Like Ronnie O’Sullivan is to snooker so is Novak Djokovic to tennis. He’s very talented and a joy to watch.

Well done Novak. Please make it 5 times in a row next year !

I'm Always Right

Novak is one of the best returners in the game and has the greatest patience and mental toughness. He went into the final never winning a match or set against Kyrgios, or even breaking his serve. He lost the 1st set today, kept cool and wore Nick out. 7th Wimbledon title and 21st Grand Slam like it’s no big deal


Man, I love his tennis so much, so aesthetically pleasant to eye, he can do insane things on the court. Legend.


Amazing tennis from Novak, he couldn’t make mistakes, except first set, amazing shot and decission making, outplayed Nick in every aspect of game, except serve, although Novak serve was amazing as well.
He got under Nick’s skin with amazing shots and returns, thus making it easier for Novak

Nadeem shah

Amazing athlete what command n dominance a perfect tennis player Novak might drop to nmbr 7 Monday morning but he surely is the goat for many reasons congrats nole ❤️❤️👏👏

Летящият Xоландец

Djokovic: ” Doesn’t learn from his mistakes, his mistakes learn from him “💪🏼🇷🇸


all of this drama with djokovic and the vaccine has made me gain a lot of respect for him. his mental toughness on the court is unrivalled. many times this game he could’ve crumbled under pressure but he didn’t, showing he truly deserves to be considered the GOAT of the sport.

James D

Nole gets so much unjustified criticism, so I’m happy for him. Novak is always the first to congratulate others on their success. When Rafa got his 21st in a tournament that Novak was not allowed to play in and likely would have won, Novak immediately made a public post singing his praises. He has always done the same for Roger too. Yesterday it was his turn to get a 21st GS……no word from either Roger or Rafa. Roger fans always say what a gentleman he is, but there is a bitterness behind that facade that occasionally shows its ugly head, but people ignore it. We saw it with that pathetic Rolex advert he approved last year, and we saw it at the Wimbledon Champions celebration when Novak tried to chat with Roger but just got a dismissive grin instead. Novak is far from perfect, but so are Roger and Rafa, so maybe give him a break and stop acting like the other 2 are angels. He has broken more records than anyone else on the mens circuit and deserves our respect. Rant over 😉


Nadal fan here, but I have to take my hat off to Nole. His mental strength, his stamina, his return… Such a pleasure to watch. Title was his for the taking. Now I hope US will lift its covid restrictions and let him play there

Dhananjay Sahu

Everybody is Gangsta in 1st set until Novak switches his “MACHINE MODE” for rest of the set. 🔥🔥



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