Novak Djokovic vs Casper Ruud – Final Highlights I Roland-Garros 2023. Watch the best moments from the match that opposed Novak Djokovic and Casper Ruud at #RolandGarros 2023. Novak Djokovic won 7(7)/6(1) 6/3 7/5 and now stands alone at the top of the men’s all-time leaderboard of most majors won in tennis history!
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Roland-Garros 2023: from 22 May to 11 June.
The man who rewrote the history of tennis is the great and unsurpassed Novak Djokovic 🇷🇸
Novače, ponosni smo na tebe uvek i zauvek! 👑❤
No controversy, Novak is the best. The dream of becoming number 1 has been in him since he was six years old. His success is all about determination, resilience, courage and focus. Congratulations Novak ❤.
Najbolji teniser koji je hodao planetom zemljom,imali smo tu srecu da ga gledamo!!
This isn’t an ordinary victory. With all that happened in the past 3 years, this is HUGE and it means a lot! Well done Nole. Well done Casper for keeping improving, no doubt you’ll win a slam soon
Down 4-1 and wins in straights.
Never write this guy off. He is a mental beast. Amazing achievement, and it’s scary he’s far from done.
GOAT or not, he is an absolute legend and a league of his own right now.
No humidity, no wind, no opponents, no deportations, no governments, no lineswomen, no hostile crowd, no haters, no…no… Nothing can stop the best athlete and human being the world! Very proud to be his fan. This is Sparta! Greetings from Sparta, Greece!
This man is like an iron. His mental toughness is the biggest weapon he has in his disposal. Eve though I am a Rafa fan, I can not deny his utmost determination and courage in-spite of all the odds against him. Big respect for you Nole. Many congratulations!!
Breathtaking performance by our beloved Djoko, his ability to play a multi-dimensional match with his opponents is unrivaled.
There is no more fitting quote for Nole than “Victory belongs to the most tenacious”. After over a decade of waiting, he has finally achieved his dream and become a record champion. Records come and go, but Novak’s legacy will remain for eternity. Despite the resistance of the media and the embarrassing crowd that always tried to bring him down, he managed to persevere and break through the phalanx of Roger and Rafa. These obstacles have made him a legend. Thank you for being an inspiration!
The man raised his level at 5-5 in the last set to end it all.
Congrats to both. It’s simply incredible what Djoker is still able to do at this age.
Congratulations to Novak Djokovic for becoming the first male tennis player to win 23 Grand Slam titles, and for winning all Grand Slams at least thrice. It is a privilege to witness history. Djokovic is the most clutch tennis player ever. In critical moments, he usually outmanoeuvres his opponents. I would like to thank Djokovic fans in Serbia and all over the world for supporting him through tough times.
The integrity and the talent that Nole has makes him so deserving of this record breaking grand slam. What a great man and I know this term is used a lot but he is a legend 🤩🙌🏽❤️🥳
23 títulos d Grand slam ,Djoko você é o maior parabéns . Estou com as pernas doendo d tanto pular d alegria e a garganta ardendo d tanto gritar . Sao paulo Brasil
Wonderful Djokovic… He’s the best tennis player! And a very intelligent man… Not manipulated by the media
Oh men…
How can I describe my GOAT’s performance.
Just totally dominating all the opponents from start to end at age 36.
I am truly grateful and honor to watch Novak playing.
Thank you so much and congrat with your 23 grand slam champions sir!!!🎉🎉🎉
You are the reason I have been started watching tennis.
20 great years of career, whether you like him or not he is the best! 👋🔥🔥🔥
23 Grandslam titles
7 years ending Number one (the highest)
most to win masters Titles
most weeks at No1
4 grandslams in a row
only player to win every grandslams at least 3 times
7 wimbeldon titles and countings
10 Ao titles
only one to win over rafa twice at roland garros
Winning all 9 masters twice ( Double Career golden masters )
positive h2h over Nadal and Federer
Simply the Greatest tennis player of all time
El tenista más ganador de grand slams, el más ganador de Masters 1000, el que estuvo más tiempo como número uno del mundo, el que terminó más temporadas como número uno del mundo, el que tiene mayor porcentaje de efectividad (más del 83% de partidos ganados)… El más grande de la Historia, indiscutiblemente. #NoleGOAT
Djokovic is without a doubt my biggest inspiration sport-wise.
Djoko wields his racquet like a surgeon wields his scalpel. The precision is truly breathtaking.
Big congratulations for Novak Djoković.
He is not only the most successful male player in the history of grand slam tournaments. For me (and I am sure not only for me) he is also a great patriot, a great Serb, who always represented his country and nation with pride and dignity and his motherland has been for him always at the first place next to his family. The Serbian people can be proud of such compatriot like Novak Djoković.
Great respect from Poland. Cлава нашој браћи Србима! 🇵🇱🤝🇷🇸
Djokovic is the Steve job of tennis. Nobody understands, lots of people try to “label” him. Sometimes, his speech is spice but the true is that he’s a genius. Congrats Djokovic !!! Breaking all the records !!!
Thank you Nole for inspiring humanity. Against all the difficult (sometimes unfair) odds you’ve had to face since your childhood, here you are proving to the world what an exceptional athlete and person you are. I can only pray you have a few more good years to play at the top of your game.
IDEMO NOLE! Let’s also recognize Casper Ruud for his performance and consistency in making it to 3 of the grand slam finals in the past year. That is an impressive feat! Defeated Rune and Zverev as well.
Felicidades al campeón Novak Djokovic, For Honor and Freedom.
Es simplemente increíble, no hay adjetivos suficientes.
It’s such a privilege to watch Novak play. One thing I learned is to never write him off. How is it that he got better and better as the match progressed? Even when he looked tired, he still played amazing tennis. What an inspiration. Congrats, Nole!
A man of focus, commitment, and sheer will! ~ Novak Djoko”Wick”
I’m from Spain and I have always admire Rafa, but I have to admit Novak is the GOAT. Now he is the man with more Gran Slams and also the man with more Master 1000.
This is an individual sport where every player compete at same conditions. There is no other thing to consider here.
He has also won all these tittles in the best tennis era competing with the other two greatest players (Roger and Rafa).
I think only fanboys won’t admit he is the greatest.
Could be the greatest Day of the Jokers ? Djokovic wins french open and Jokic wins NBA Finals. Incredible🎉🎉
He is the goat for many reasons on and off the court, the last three years he has shown tremendous courage and grace when the world was against him and not allowing him to play, Djokovic is truly amazing
Te lo mereces Novak. Eres inspiración para muchos.
Después de no haber podido jugar en ciertos torneos por la puta vacuna, la vida te regala esto.
Que sean más.
Un fuerte abrazo desde España.
People will talk about Djokovic centuries after this day. You wrote history my man. 🇷🇸
Congratulations Novak Djokovic!🎾🏆🌎
You’re building tennis History, you will be the most memorable case study in in the books of sports and humanity!🕊❤Viva Serbia and it’s people!
Still remember the days when Djoke tried hard to keep up with Fed and Nadal but through human practice, his shots are unbelievably correct. I love him because his success can be a good example for every player. Thank a lot.
Modern day hero for so many reasons. Conviction, talent, perseverance. A true champion.